Thursday, March 11, 2010

"Pocket Disc" great for grandkids, safe for the RV

Taking the grandkids on an RV outing is great fun, but it's not always easy to keep them entertained. Enter PHD's Pocket Disc. Handcrafted from wool by Mayan women in Guatemala, think of Pocket Disc as the "safe" version of your old favorite Frisbee.

Pocket Disc is, if you'll pardon the pun, "catching on" with folks across a variety of lifestyles. At first glance you might mistake it as some sort of colorful, albeit oddball head wear for folks with smaller heads. Indeed, it could be donned as a headpiece, should you have the nerve. But it's a bit more fun to pick it up, and give it a flip. Caught by winds, you may wind up running a fur piece to catch up with it. But since it's made of wool, Pocket Disc will not endanger the windows or siding of your RV, and theoretically should be safe for indoor use.

Since the average RVer doesn't have a lot of knick-knack laden shelves, tossing Pocket Disc around the motorhome while en route to the next vista should be safe. Just keep the kids locked in their seatbelts--it should be a challenge to see how long they can toss it to one another before somebody goofs and lands it in some kind of out of bounds zone. Once in camp, send them outdoors to help relieve your nerves.

A Quartzsite area Frisbee dog specialist, Piney, volunteered herself and her Frisbee fetching Fido, Miss Dixie to act as test specialists for us. After a half hour of work, we determined that Miss Dix will need a bit more practice to adapt over to the Pocket Disc. Maybe it's the smell of the wool, but granted, Dixie was plenty happy to chase after (and catch) the marvelous toy, she was unwilling to bring it back for a further toss-out, preferring instead to abscond with the woolly creation and head under the nearest travel trailer with it. To be sure, Pocket Disc is sure to be a whole lot easier on canine teeth than the standard plastic flying disc--just be prepared to spend a little time making the transition. Maybe it's like switching from whole milk to non-fat.

The lightweight Pocket Disc is completely compactable, making it a natural for stuffing it into a daybag when taking off on a sight-seeing adventure. It comes with some rather "different" suggestions on games to be played, including this writer's favorite: Ceiling Fan 500. Say the directions, "Spread out around the room, toss a Phd (Pocket Disc) into the spinning fan and hope it zings your way so you can snag it before your opponent does." Loosely translated: Toss it in the operating ceiling fan and see how fast you can run away from your yelling "better half"!

Get your own Pocket Disc from Phd Productions or at one of over 500 specialty toy or outdoor retailers. The Classic Edition will set you back $9.99, or the heavier Sports Edition runs $14.99. Get more information or buy your own at And remember, these discs are hand crocheted in Guatemala, helping local mothers send their kids to school.

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