Friday, October 17, 2008

Keep an Eye on Your Rooftop Load

We've found a strange dichotomy in the desert southwest: RVers carrying kayaks. Not sure where they're using these things--maybe on the way "down and back." In any event, there's got to be a little anxiety now and then when traveling--how do you know if your rooftop cargo is staying where it ought?

Enter CargoView Mirror Company's overhead hauling utility mirror. It's one of those, "Gee, why didn't anybody think of this earlier?" things. A magnetically mounted convex mirror unit you set on your hood, up in plain sight of the driver (or shotgun rider). A quick glimpse in the mirror tells you when it's time to pull over and relash your stash.

Equipped with a "scratch free pad" said to prevent any finish damage, the overhead hauling utility mirror can be pulled off and stuffed in the glove box when you don't need it. Price? $19.95 plus shipping and handling from


desertratdan said...

How cool is that!!

LakeConroePenny,TX said...

Looks like you have to order them from:
at $22.95.
Happy Trails, Penny, TX