Sunday, July 15, 2007

Is a Solar Powered RV Vent in Your Future?

Venting your RV during storage is now a cinch with SunVent. This solar powered vent extracts 680 cubic feet of air per hour. My friend Richard Schramm installed one of these on his Big Foot travel trailer to vent the refrigerator. He says, “I mounted one of these on the vent above my refer to pull more air up across the coils. I left room to mount a second one and I think I am going to go ahead and add it. The only thing is I may need to add an extension tube to reach further into the cavity to get a better draw on the air to pull it upward. Not many moving parts and it was here in a couple of days even when I ordered it ground delivery.” You can read more about it here: Sun Vent Jim Twamley


Anonymous said...

The "Sun Vent" link goes back to

Anonymous said...

I did a Google search and got this link: Sun Vent