Saturday, February 10, 2007

Coffee Filter Dispenser

Let’s see now, I’m still half asleep and I found the coffee, but what did I do with those filters? Ah, here they are, now if I can just get these things to come apart so I can have just ONE filter! Sound like your mornings?

Well, this little problem has just been solved with Camco Manufacturing’s newest addition to its Pop-A line of products the all new “Pop-A-Filter”.
This dispenser mounts easity under your cabinets and holds standard basket coffee filters and numbers 1,2 and 4 cone coffee filters. This unit comes in white and is 7 1/8 inches in diameter.

Look for them wherever Pop-A- line of products is sold or order them online here


Anonymous said...

All you have to do is hold the whole pack in one hand and gently blow on the edge and just one pops up and you can grad it.

Anonymous said...

Nothing new obout this product, I have had one of these for about 10 years.

Anonymous said...

For Linda, the lady that gently blows on her filters instead of using a dispenser. How would you like to come over to my kitchen and have me blow all my germs on the filter I will be using to make you a cup of coffee? by the way I feel a cold coming on! UGH