Wednesday, April 08, 2009

RV With Your iPod--and Skip the Tangled Charge Cord

In these days of personal muzak, it seems everybody--and perhaps an incredible number of their dogs--is sporting an iPod, or an iPhone. Like a lot of personal electronic devices, the iFamily does have a bit of a drawback: They need frequent charging. In your RV on the road, the handiest way to get juice into your iPod is via a 12-volt "accessory socket." We used to call it a cigarette lighter sockets, but I guess we're more enlightened now, if you'll pardon the pun.

The problem is the wire that runs from the iPod to the accessory socket. Like most charge cords, they just seemed factory designed to get tangled up--particularly when not in use. You can stick it away in the glove box, and sure enough, when you go to fish out a stick of chewing gum, or the traffic cop is waiting for you to produce your registration, that blessed cord is all wrapped up around everything, preventing the release of that important item you seek.

Enter reCOIL, the handy dandy iPod charger that plugs into your ciggy socket--and when not charging your iPod or iPhone--the charge cord conveniently retracts into the charger. No more tangles. Certified "Made for iPod" and "Works with iPhone" the new charge genius has a suggested retail price of $29.99. Check our the manufacturer's website at